Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I moved

changed my email address and moved my blog to

check it out

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Movies with a baby

Well I'm officially stuck in my hotel room. It's disgusting hot outside right now especially after about 12pm and you know I can't get my life together quick enough to get out of here any earlier in the day then that.

I contemplated going to see The Hangover this afternoon, but with a 3 month old baby, could it be done? It's not like Harlow is one of those babies you can just shove on the breast and she'll go to sleep. Nooooo in fact if you try that and she's not hungry she screams even louder. So I'm not going to be that lady...the one with the crying baby spilling my popcorn all over the person in front of me as I try to make a run for the nearest exit. I'm pretty sure I've even said "I can't believe that lady brought her baby to the movie" granted that was pre-kids, but still I don't want to be a hypocrite, right?

No I'll just sit in my hotel room and watch bad TV and waste my life on the computer.
So here I am, Harlow's asleep on my chest.

Yep I typed this whole thing with one hand. Oh yeah I'm that good.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cloth Diapers

I'm doing it, saving the earth little by little. The fuzzi bunz and the bum genius 3.0 are working wonders. The g diapers now so much. I kinda gave up because the velcro just kept coming undone, I can't imagine how they would hold up when Harlow really started moving around. One great thing about the g diapers is they are really trim. I find that Harlow never fits in her pants when she's wearing the other diapers, but they are cute and its blazing hot in New Orleans so right now the no pants thing is working nicely.

I'm moving back to LA in two weeks after a brief visit to Seattle. Honestly I'm not looking forward to going to home. Yeah I miss my dogs and my vegetable garden, but the weather has been shit and I'm really enjoying hotel life...maid service anyone?? But I guess if I ever want to lose this baby weight I better get home, because the food her is ridiculous, I cant stop with the fried stuff.

Michele and Annabelle are here visiting, it's been great, like old times working on set doing wardrobe except now we've got babies running around, and well we're not getting paid either.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cafe du monde

I cant stop eating them. Make it stop.

Monday, June 1, 2009

urgent care

I took Harlow to urgent care this morning, she was going on day 3 of diarrhea and I was nervous she might get dehydrated. Thank god she wasn't. The doctor thinks she may have caught a virus that's going around. I was under the impression that breastfed babies rarely got sick, but he explained that because I was in a new city I didn't develop any antibodies to pass on to her, or something like that.

I bought some pedialyte, now I've just got to figure out how to get her to drink it.

It's amazing how kind people are here in New Orleans. In California, strangers don't usually strike up conversation in elevators. It's nice to be around "real" people. I'm not looking forward to going home in June.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Harlow Raine photos

Daddy casting Harlow's tiny foot

Bad mom ALERT!!

Umm who took their 6 week old baby to see Kings of Leon at Jazz Fest this year?? Opps.
Being here with the baby I feel judged on a daily basis. A woman the other day said "wow you're brave bringing a tiny baby to New Orleans." Last week we walked down Bourbon street on a Saturday while everyone was partying it up...stroller on Borubon Street, bad mom alert :(

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


How I love New Orleans!!! I'm living here with little Harlow and Jason till the end of June and this really is one of my favorite cities now. The food is incredible, the history and scenery are very entertaining.

Saturday we toured the aquarium, the Gulf fish were awesome, big sharks and humongous sea turtles. I could stand there and watch them swim by for hours. We pet the stingrays they were so sweet and easily frightened. I still cant believe Steve Irwin was killed by one.

We spent Sunday at the zoo in the pouring rain. We were both wearing flip flops and I was in a long tank dress, needless to say we were drenched and very muddy. But it was an adventure and the zoo was very charming, almost like a giant garden with exotic animals.

Harlow is 10 weeks as of yesterday, I still can believe how fast she's growing. I need to update this blog with some older pictures from her birth.

My little love bug is smiling away now.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So I'd like to start a gratitude journal today.

Five things I'm grateful for:

1) my beautiful cozy home
2) jason
4) modern medicine
5) friends

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Harlow Raine

my life partner

I love my husband, I'm so thankful for his friendship and all that we've built these past few years together.

30 weeks

Almost there...
I've spent the last two days writing thank you cards from my first shower up in northern california. Who knew it would be so much work just to write a little card? Perhaps I'm over thinking each one, needless to say it's taking me forever.

Harlow's room is almost done, the bedding should arrive Friday. I can't wait to see it all put together.

My doctor's appointment is next Tuesday, I'm hoping to find out exactly which birth plan the doctor recommends. Most likely a c-section due to my back injury, but you never know he could still say yes to a natural birth.

My belly keeps growing, stretching, and pulling. I'm wondering how its possible it can stretch anymore then it already has and there's still two months to go.