How I love New Orleans!!! I'm living here with little Harlow and Jason till the end of June and this really is one of my favorite cities now. The food is incredible, the history and scenery are very entertaining.
Saturday we toured the aquarium, the Gulf fish were awesome, big sharks and humongous sea turtles. I could stand there and watch them swim by for hours. We pet the stingrays they were so sweet and easily frightened. I still cant believe Steve Irwin was killed by one.
We spent Sunday at the zoo in the pouring rain. We were both wearing flip flops and I was in a long tank dress, needless to say we were drenched and very muddy. But it was an adventure and the zoo was very charming, almost like a giant garden with exotic animals.
Harlow is 10 weeks as of yesterday, I still can believe how fast she's growing. I need to update this blog with some older pictures from her birth.
My little love bug is smiling away now.
Hi Michelle! Your baby is beautiful, and how awesome to be living in New Orleans! You have cloth diapering as an interest, I cded Cam from birth to I think 10 months? Good times :) More pics of the baby, please!
I cloth diaper Harlow 75 percent of the time. She usually wears disposable diapers at night or out and about. I love the cloth diapers, they just don't hold as much pee and are extremely bulky under her clothes. But small price to pay when you're saving the earth I guess :)
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